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The First Comedy Sketch I Wrote: Titties Unlimited

Writer's picture: Stand-Up Comedy HistorianStand-Up Comedy Historian

I've got another SUCH writing sample for you all.

This time it's for one of my favorite things: gratuitous nudity in old, often PG-rated films!

Troy McClure knows what's up!

As a bisexual woman who finally came out in 2022 (a few weeks after Rothaniel premiered, so Jerrod Carmichael inspired me to be honest with myself), I have been obsessed with women's breasts for a LONG time, since high school really.

And I always secretly enjoyed the goofy shots in movies where a woman's bouncing breasts are inserted just to appeal to teenage boys (I assume).

The '70s and '80s were particularly TEEMING with movies that included random boob shots: Revenge of the Nerds, Animal House, Weird Science, Back to School, etc.

One of the quintessential examples of this phenomenon is Airplane! that has a scene of a lady just running in front of the camera, jiggling her breasts, and then running off. You don't even see her FACE! Clearly a joke, but it accomplishes the same thing as any other film with gratuitous nudity haha.

Anyway, here's a sketch I wrote in college about the phenomenon as described in this excellent Medium article. As a reminder, this was written in the early aughts when getting nudity online was a huge process, families still shared computers, and download speeds were abysmally slow unless you had Ethernet—things are very different now in the smartphone and #freethenipple era. Enjoy!


Announcer: Making a movie that is lackluster at best? Need an extra something that will make your film better than all the rest? Well, look no further than Titties Unlimited!!

[show company's name]

Announcer: Yes, Titties Unlimited has helped hundreds of films and guarantees a dramatic increase in your movie's profits or your money back!

How does Titties Unlimited give your movie that extra "umph" [sic] above all other flicks out there?

Here is how it works:

First, you send us a copy of your movie. It can be a comedy, a drama, a documentary...any genre.

Next, our certified technicians take whatever you have already filmed and splice in all new footage!

That's right...gratuitous nudity editted [sic] right into your movie! We've got a huge stockpile of ta-tas, boobies, melons and, of course, hooters aplenty.


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