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Inside Deluxe: The signed versions (with doodles)

Writer's picture: Stand-Up Comedy HistorianStand-Up Comedy Historian

Updated: Feb 7, 2023

With the release of the Inside Deluxe box set last week, fans were eagerly anticipating that signed copies could have fun drawings or doodles by Bo himself.

Why? Because that's what he did for some of the signed CDs in 2021!


Yes, Bo added all sorts of doodles and funny messages (IT WAS NEVER ABOUT COVID). Here's an excellent video compilation of all the variations (including my framed copy at 2:38 in) by La_Spalmatrice.

And it looks like Bo has been at it again with new treats for fans, including hidden tracks and the following bonus items.

1. hello?

One of the doodles posted online is simply Bo writing this question (potentially from a liminal space between states of being!).

Here's the Reddit thread.

2. i do comedy

Another message from Bo, this time about his occupation. He does SO much more than comedy though. Don't sell yourself short, Bo!

Here's the Reddit thread.

3. Smiley faces

One of the first real doodles that appeared, this version of the art card has little faces (smile, straight face, frown) added on the image of Bo changing the lighting for Five Years in the Inside Outtakes.

The faces actually remind me of one of my favorite Demetri Martin drawings (Bo is a big fan of the stand-up comic). I even have the design on a shirt!

Here's the Reddit thread.

4. it's almost over

This fan got one of the best lines from the Grammy-winning All Eyes on Me added on their art card. So jealous!

Here's the Reddit thread.

5. heart

While this version wasn't posted on Reddit (as far as I can tell), another Bo fan alerted me to its existence.

Can you imagine getting a little heart from your favorite comedian? Some folks have all the luck haha.

Update: Another heart doodle has been posted on Reddit—this time in green!

Here is the Reddit thread.

6. Triple signature

What's better than one signed item from Bo? Why, one item signed three times, of course!

Yes, one fortunate person paid for a single signature and instead got a three-for-one!

Plus, the sigs are all in different colors (Ed. note: To read more about the importance of RBG, please click here).

Here's the Reddit thread.

7. Bo self-portrait

For many years, Bo has added little faces on items he's signed for fans in person.

In February, he drew a smiley face on Jessica Mihalik's copy of Egghead after a taping of Rothaniel (Ed. note: You can read more about her experience here).

And a person on Reddit posted a comparison shot of a drawing Bo did in 2010 versus the present—kinda depressing transformation tbh.

That second doodle comes from Inside itself (you can see it on the whiteboard after White Woman's Instagram and a more complete version in the Outtakes).

In fact, the sad bearded man reminds me of the older Bo on the Faces t-shirt in his merch store (of which I own two since one arrived damaged).

And now we have the newest addition to Bo's self-portraits courtesy of the Inside Deluxe vinyl release!

This doodle still has his long hair and beard, but he looks very serious compared to other versions he has drawn of himself. Really cool!

Here is the Reddit thread (the owner of this art is considering getting it as a tattoo!).

The Bo subreddit even updated its picture to the cute doodle on Christmas Eve—aww!

Update: Another self-portrait has popped up on Twitter! This time, it looks like Bo drew himself with a bowl cut and beard lol.


This art card has "INSIDE" written in red, blue, and green ink. Nice!

Here is the Reddit thread.

9. thank you

A simple message of gratitude is on this art card. No, THANK YOU, Bo!

Here are the Reddit threads.

And another one! This time all the way from the U.K. with the same sweet message. Aww!

10. Eyes with XXs/tears

Bo has added some items to his eyes on these art cards—Xs on one and little dots for tears on the other (the latter is from a Facebook post apparently, but r/boburnham moderator PlasticJesters included it in a roundup thread).

Here is the Reddit thread.

11. Yes and No

These two art cards work as a pair. What is Bo agreeing to or negating? Who knows.

Here is the Reddit thread.

12. Personalized with names

So there have been two very lucky people so far who've gotten their sets signed with their first names!

Chris got a cute self-portrait of Bo.

And Nicole got her name and a doodle added to her art card—because her father is best friends with Scott Burnham (so lucky!)

Here is the Reddit thread and the tweet.

13. The ocean

This is my personal favorite of all the doodles so far—Bo has a bit of a fixation on the ocean in all of Inside ("the ocean at your door," "you say the ocean's rising," the ending image of the Outtakes, the final hidden track on the vinyl set), so it comes as no surprise someone would get a visual representation of a house drowning. Love the little gulls he added!

Here is the Reddit thread.

14. Three INSIDEs

What's better than one "Inside" written by Bo himself, such as in number 8's doodle? Three in different colors, of course!

Here is the Reddit thread.

15. The house

This little doodle of a house in black and red ink is adorable and perfectly complements the themes of his masterpiece—Stay Inside!

Here are the Reddit threads.

16. thank you very much

What's better than a simple "thank you" message? Why, "thank you very much," of course! This person got the ultimate statement of Bo's gratitude.

Here's the tweet.

And for those of us who aren't as lucky (the majority of fans), we got a signature and nothing else in a variety of colors:

Red—my version


Green—Maddy on Twitter

Black—bonus cat pic!

I also wanted to highlight this incredible framed version of the entire set that was posted on Reddit—absolutely amazing!

Did you receive a special doodle or message on your signed copy? Please let me know, and I will add it to this post.

Happy Holidays!

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