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Best of Inside Videos - A month-long thread published on Twitter 5/1/22-5/31/22

Writer's picture: Stand-Up Comedy HistorianStand-Up Comedy Historian

Updated: Feb 25, 2024

Happy May!

With the start of a new month, I thought it would be fun to explore other Bo YouTube videos aside from video essays.

So, in anticipation of Inside's one-year anniversary, I will be discussing all the cool things people have created over the past year.

Let's dive in!

First up will be TikTok compilations.

As we all know, Bo's music was EVERYWHERE last year, and his songs trended many times since Inside's release.

  • May 1: anxious e d i t s

I am an old lady who doesn't understand TikTok, so I rely on YouTube to see the creative short videos people are making.

Some of my favorite compilations were created by anxious e d i t s.

(the third one has my fave version of AEOM with the pitch adjusted at 3:44—it really sounds like Bo's natural voice!)

  • May 2: cute tiktok

These are some more wonderfully edited compilations of Bo's songs from Inside that have trended on TikTok.

  • May 3: Freaking Pie

Today's TikTok is Bezos I with a twist—the version that adds Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! by ABBA at the end

The song itself has been pulled off of YouTube, but fans may recall this mashup appeared as a streamable song on Spotify at one point...never forget the wolf cover!

And here is a wonderful compilation by

Freaking Pie—the horseback-riding TikToks are amazing!

  • May 4: Anna Bogomazov

Anna's six videos recreate Inside perfectly and provide a glimpse into what the special would be like if it featured a woman!

Part 1 (I can't link this YouTube Short, but you can find it with the other parts)

  • May 5: Bezos I

I'm sick in bed with COVID-19, so today will be about my favorite TikTok trend—adorable animal videos!

Here is a Bezos I compilation filled with puppies from THE CUTE CHANNEL

And here's another one with a variety of animals from TikTok Hop (the cow version is a little vicious though, you know? haha)


Next, I will be focusing on some of my favorite artistic endeavors since Inside premiered—animations!

Here is a video for Any Day Now by cookie coasters (Full disclosure: I had artwork commissioned by them last year, and I LOVE it, so I am slightly biased. I had also interviewed them for Fanart February, which you can read here.)

  • May 6: okaybutnope—Healing the World with Comedy

This incredibly detailed animation of Bo at the end of Comedy is SO fun to watch.

It looks a bit like A-ha's "Take On Me," and I love how the creator captured Bo's bouncy hair!

  • May 7: s'midge—Inside Bo Burnham Animatic

This video seems like your standard animatic for Goodbye, but make sure to watch it until the very end—you will NOT be disappointed!

  • May 8: ClearlyConfused

If you'd watched any cartoon about Bo Burnham in the past year, it was most likely this brilliant Bezos I video.

But I’d like to focus on two other animated works by this creator for today: Bezos II and (my personal fave) Shit.

Here’s the sequel to the famous first video (I like how they focused on Bezos going to space for this one).

And here is the absolutely INCREDIBLE vid for Feeling like Sh*t—love the coffee cup joke, the dance moves, and the backup singers at the end!

  • May 9: AllMattJazz—Welcome to the Internet

Ever since Inside's release, people have been clamoring for a WTTI cartoon.

The crazy lyrics are suited for such a video and, in my opinion, no one did it better than

this take on Bo's most popular song.


If you're wondering about how the pop-up boxes were animated or if you have other technical questions, the creator posted a behind-the-scenes vid as well.

Really fascinating stuff!

  • May 10: indivoidual

And to cap off this thread, we have a creator who makes stunning animations.

All of the videos are bursting with emotion and depth, but these two are my favorites.

Look Who's Inside Again (I adore the details like Socko and the pencil)


For this next section, I will be sharing some of the funniest/craziest/coolest Inside videos on the Internet.

To start this off right, let's listen to what would happen if Bo fell down a well (or should I say "WELLLL")

  • May 11: Amateur Ghost—Bo Burnham Making Little Sounds for 5 Minutes Straight

The title says it all...Bo really does like making random noises, and this compilation includes everything, even the weird turkey gobble sound in Can't Handle This. Enjoy!

  • May 12: AaronAaronAaron—‘Inside’ but it’s just bo burnham breathing

This compilation is a little out there (although the ending is perfectly chosen), but if Bo’s breathing is your thing, here’s your new favorite video!

  • May 13: White T-shirt Edits—bo burnham: inside on crack

Happy On the Count of Three Premiere Day!

To continue the theme of craziest vids, this compilation is a ton of fun to watch. I love the random hair-focused Intermission as well!

  • May 14: Jimothy Greenpants—Don't Wanna Know by Bo Burnham but it's tragic and grand

This vid defies explanation, but it's a fun one for sure.

I especially love how complex and layered the song becomes as it progresses...SO cool!

And this creator has another popular Inside vid, this time for Look Who's Inside Again (but make it sinister!)

  • May 15: CookieBaBaYT—Bo Burnham: Inside but it's PURE chaos

The title says it all. This is another bonkers vid that juxtaposes scenes in Inside in really unique and interesting ways. I especially adore the truly epic ending!

This creator also has a popular video of the titular lines in Inside that's fun to sing along to (I guarantee you will know ALL of the lyrics!)

  • May 16: Screwup Alt—Inside, but it's Bo's hidden subliminal message

Another fun one!

This vid with almost 200K views smashes together various lines from the special, leading to often hilarious results like the MLK references segueing into WWI.


  • May 17: WALLofWORDS

This vid blew my mind when I first saw it and, to be honest, I still have no idea how they did it.

Just watch as they make a gorgeous print out of the WORDS used in Inside. As a #wordnerd, this combines my two interests perfectly!

And here's the full video, set to Bezos I—awe-inspiring AND you can purchase a print of it for $30 on their Etsy website (boy, am I tempted haha...UPDATE: I got this for my fortieth birthday from my wonderful husband and interviewed the creator for Fanart February!)

  • May 18: Aaron Smith—“Content” Bo Burnham

To finish out this thread, here are some of my favorite covers of Bo’s songs.

Aaron Smith is an expert drummer, and his skills at turning the music from Inside into something even cooler are unmatched!

If you enjoyed that (I especially love the drumstick flips...SO cool), here's a Reddit thread of him playing Look Who's Inside Again


For this next section, I will be sharing some of my favorite Inside-related vids: trailers!

To kick this off right, here's a compilation of all of the official trailers for Bo's specials from Hyef

  • May 19: Skargul—INSIDE - bo burnham. | TRAILER

This underviewed trailer starts with a pitch-corrected AOEM speech, and it only gets better from there!

I especially love the clips of the room without Bo...perfect touch to add weight to his words. Enjoy!

  • May 20: TVJunkie—Bo Burnham Inside - Psychological Thriller Trailer

This vid reimagines the special as a psychological thriller, complete with staticky titles and intense music (which REALLY add to the experience).

Check it out!

  • May 21: Carter—Bo Burnham INSIDE Teaser Trailer

While it looks like a more traditional trailer, this vid by is anything but.

The trailer is beautifully edited with the perfect images of the "interior digital space" to draw in new viewers!

  • May 22: NeddyEdits

One of THE most prolific Inside trailer creators out there, NeddyEdits has made vids in the style of famous movie franchises (all of them amazingly accurate!). You can read more about how he edits these videos here.

Here's the Marvel one, complete with the perfect Inside logo (all the more hilarious since it seems to foreshadow Inside Studios from the Outtakes!)

And here's Inside as a Blockbuster movie (the music is SO good)

Finally, I wanted to share my favorite trailer by NeddyEdits: the DC version (love the Nirvana song!)

  • May 23: Mr. Bamason—Bo Burnham: Inside "Comedy" Trailer

In this Inside trailer that uses the AEOM speech and Comedy, the creator includes some clever style choices, like vertically expanding and contracting the aspect ratio.

Check it out!

  • May 24: Editing Is Everything—INSIDE REIMAGINED AS A HORROR MOVIE

At 30 seconds in, this trailer starts and the fun begins.

Masterful audio manipulation (love the use of Bo and Socko) and creepy music make this trailer one of the best!

  • May 25: Headass—Bo Burnham: Inside (JOKER - Teaser Trailer Style)

Many have clamored for Bo to play the Joker after hearing his maniacal laugh, but this vid takes it to the next level.

Bo's mental health deteriorating does match well with the song!


Well, we've made it!

Welcome to the FINAL section before the one-year anniversary of Inside on Monday.

For this momentous occasion, I wanted to highlight the best of the best—the most jaw-dropping and amazing videos associated with Bo and his special.

2024 Bonus: I have personally chatted with all FIVE creators—you can check out their interviews below.

Let's go!

  • May 26: James Cawood

Who doesn't love the Lego Movies? Phil Lord and Chris Miller brought the toy blocks back into popularity in a big way with their franchise, and these videos capture that spirit, but in Bo Lego form (squee!)

Here's the teaser trailer featuring Content

And here is the final video, a complete recreation of Bezos I in Lego form (SO cool!)

Love the shadow effect and surprise ceiling fan!

UPDATE: James was kind enough to discuss with me how he made his fantastic Lego creations here.

  • May 27: Michael Shaw—Bo Burnham but I actually shut up

It’s the one-year anniversary of Bo posting our first look at a scene from Inside! (I spy the disco ball and guitar):

To celebrate the occasion, here is my number 4 pick for best Inside video.

Taking cues from the beautifully edited videos of Now You See It and his one about Bo and lighting, this video discusses Inside using ONLY Bo’s words or Inside-related clips!

Not only does this include an amazing Pete Holmes clip I’d never seen before, but the vid also incorporates Bo’s song lyrics and music with evocative imagery (pandemic, The Social Dilemma, etc.) and his past interviews.

Check it out here!

UPDATE: I was lucky enough to chat with Michael about this amazing video and his passion for magic; you can read my interview with him here.

  • May 28: Hollywood Critics Association—Bo Burnham Virtuoso Award Montage

It's two days before the 30th, which means that it's also the one-year anniversary of Bo tweeting the runtime and the first description of what Inside would be:

When I first saw this incredible montage, I thought that this was the best Bo video I'd ever SEEN and you'll soon find out why.

This has everything associated with Bo, from his small role on We Bare Bears to even his Vines!

And we can't have the montage for Bo's Virtuoso award at the HCAs without including his inspiring acceptance speech (the ONLY one he gave about Inside during awards season).

If you haven't seen it before, prepare's a WILD ride (and proves Bo would be an amazing horror film director!)

UPDATE: You can read all about the montage and the HCAs in my interview with editor Zachary Marsh here.

  • May 29: ravenhpltc24—Bo Burnham: INSIDE | Trailer

It's the penultimate video before the big event AND the one-year anniversary of this tweet from Bo:

To celebrate, here is a trailer (yes, I'm still on the trailers thing!) that rivals anything Netflix put out.

It's professional, the editing is exquisite, and it gave me a new song to obsess over (that is used PERFECTLY here)—enjoy!

If you liked that one, they also edited a beautiful compilation of Bo performing stand-up during the Eighth Grade press tour (so funny and well done!)

And a little bird told me that there will be a one-year Inside anniversary video coming out soon—here it is!

(Full disclosure: A picture of me and my son with a Socko hand puppet appear in this video, and I reviewed the compilation ahead of its release to the public)

UPDATE: If you would like to learn more about this creator and her process, here's my interview with Alicia, and here is a look at how we made our Bo Burnham watches Inside mashup.

  • May 30: Brunchies—Still Inside - A Spoof (or something) of Bo Burnham: Inside

Happy Inside Day to those who celebrate!

As #InsideTurnsOne, we have some #milestones to celebrate:

First, Bo's Welcome to the Internet has JUST reached 78 million views today!

And for the other news, my silly Twitter fan account has grown to 400 followers.

Thank you all SO much. I feel blessed to be part of this growing community!

Now, without further ado, the number one most creative and innovative take on Inside:

Sean Himmelberg's video is more than just a silly spoof. He created, wrote, directed and edited a 27-min. film that captures the spirit of the original. New lyrics that are as funny as those in Inside, and Sean's voice is (dare I say it?) better than Bo's (SORRY, BO!)?!

It's an incredible feat and truly meets Bo's request in Goodbye. For more information on Sean, please check out my interview with the musician/filmmaker.

Here is Still Inside, the number one Inside video:

  • May 31: Brunchies

Yes, I'm still on the Faux Burnham thing! I'll move on, alright?...but that is priority numero uno.

Can't Handle This reference out of the way, Sean recently uploaded all of his parody songs from Still Inside as singles!

Here are four of my favorites (but they are ALL bangers, so check them out!)

Celebrity Doppelganger is a wonderful spoof of Content (with Bo "meeting" his likeness)

Copyright transforms Socko into an expert in intellectual property and is absolutely brilliant

Faux Burnham is Sean's pitch-perfect recreations of Bo's poses in White Woman's Instagram

Throw Your Fuckin Hands Up is Sean's AEOM, and his speech in the middle about growing his hair out to look less like Bo until "the funniest thing showed up on Netflix" is SO well done

Also don't think I forgot about last night's news of Bo releasing his outtakes—stop what you are doing and watch it now if you haven't!

It's as incredible, mind-blowing, transcendent, etc. as we can always expect from Bo...more on it soon!


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